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Case Study: Let’s Take a Walk/ Walking Companion
This case study explores projects using creative activities to connect to nature in the local environment. The activities were created during Covid Lockdowns and developed through digital channels.
May 2022

MarketPlace Case Study: Lets Take a Walk/ Walking Companion
This case study is part of our project evaluation for Phase 2
In October 2020, artist Genevieve Rudd responded to the MarketPlace commissioning process of Creative Conversations in Lockdown with the idea of a workshop that would connect people, using creative activities to explore their local environment on their daily Lockdown walks. We developed the project in collaboration with Brandon Creative Forum and community members to become a digital guided creative walk.
Read the full Let’s Take a Walk/ Walking Companion case study here.
Read the full Phase 2 evaluation report here.
An excerpt from the case study:
In 2020, Genevieve had pivoted to Zoom group creative sessions during the first lockdown but had never undertaken a blended distance engagement approach to facilitate creative experiences. Enabling connection for groups unable to meet due to national restrictions and responding to a national trend of residents exploring their hyper-local natural landscape, this concept met the self-identified needs of local community groups that MarketPlace had been working with. The Creative Agents wanted to find ways to unlock doorstep curiosity creatively whilst enabling community groups to remain connected during the national restrictions.
Testing and trialling with community members who show a willingness to try something creates the potential for new advocates to learn and ensure that the ideas work before rolling out to wider, more cautious community members.
The Walk ’n’ Craft Group, based in Mildenhall, and the Can’t Sing Choir, based in March, participated in timed socially distanced (in line with the government restrictions at the time) group creative walks that were led by Genevieve using WhatsApp to send prompts.
Read the full Let’s Take a Walk/ Walking Companion case study here.