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Case Studies and insights into the way we like to work. With people and the communities they live in. You’ll also find articles from the National Creative People and Places Network which gives you an insight into the learning from other projects around the country.
This video is a three chapter story about our approach that explains a little more about our approach and why we want to continue listening to the people of the region, building confidence and creating…

Creative People & Places in Lockdown: Responses and Learning – Case Study #1
November 2020
Working With Artists Through Lockdown. MarketPlaceās work with artists during the lockdown in March 2020 features in the first Creative People and Places case study, sharing our learning from this extraordinary time.

Conversation With…Marian Savill
August 2020
Where we chat with Marian Savill, mixed media artist

Conversation With…Jill Blanchard
August 2020
Where we chat with Jill Blanchard, Brandon Creative Forum and MarketPlace Creative Collective member

Conversation With…Shelby Foord
September 2019
Where we chat with Shelby Foord, MarketPlace Creative Collective member and owner of The Barleycorn Cafe in Mildenhall